What Is Keratosis Pilaris and How Do You Develop It?
Out of all your responsibilities in life, you take pride in staying on top of your skincare. But do you ever notice those teeny-tiny bumps or pimple-looking growths on your face or neck, or, specifically around your mouth, chin, or eyes? And it seems like no matter what you do, they won’t go away? Yeah, they’re super annoying, and they have a name: Keratosis Pilaris or KP, for short.
Our bodies naturally produce an important protein called keratin, which is found in our hair, nails, and skin. One of the primary benefits of keratin is how it protects skin from harmful substances and infections. However, when there’s an abundance of keratin, it clogs our hair follicles, which unfortunately creates these irritating patches of little pimples known as KP.
Believe it or not, KP is a very common skin issue present in children and adults. Essentially, KP, sometimes referred to as “chicken skin,” is caused by a dominant (and problematic) gene passed from parent to child. According to research, Keratosis Pilaris affects four in ten adults, and up to 80% of adolescents.
We know, right? It’d be way nicer to inherit something like acres of land, tons of money, or even a cool car. But, nope; most of us just get stuck with the gift of KP. How nice.
What Makes KP Worse? Can I Prevent Flare-Ups?
Luckily, there’s a silver lining: this common and harmless (yet still incredibly frustrating) condition is often easy to treat. Keep in mind, most treatments are just that: enough to soothe the condition, but they will not eliminate it, as there is no proven cure. In other words, there are products you can use, and lifestyle changes you can implement to significantly minimize the appearance of KP and prevent flare-ups, such as:
Get More Vitamin C
If you have a Vitamin C deficiency, it can be linked to Keratosis Pilaris. In addition to fatigue, lack of Vitamin C can cause easy bruising, and—you guessed it—bumpy, dry skin. This vital nutrient should be consumed regularly to keep your skin vibrant and contribute to its overall health.
Vitamin C protects skin from oxidative damage caused by the sun’s harmful rays and pollutants contaminating the environment. Try drinking a refreshing cup of orange juice each morning, or just popping a Vitamin C supplement every day, which among other benefits, can help keep KP at bay.
Avoid Hot Water
After a long day of, well, adulting, taking a shower or bath with water as hot as you can stand it may seem like a wonderful idea. However, the hotter the water, the more damaging it is to your skin. Instead, opt for warm water, which still gets the job done and can be just as relaxing, without the guilt of drying your skin completely out.
Ditch Tough Exfoliants
If you’re thinking about exfoliating KP away, you’re on the right track! Just be sure to use a gentle exfoliator and don’t scrub too hard; doing so can actually worsen Keratosis Pilaris, and make the skin feel really dry and itchy, causing the tiny bumps to become inflamed and irritated. Look for gentle exfoliants with salicylic or lactic acid that can yield great results.
Moisturize With Emollients
Nourish your body with moisturizers, specifically those with emollients. These ingredients specialize in soothing dry skin and make a big difference as well. When your skin is properly hydrated and moisturized, it’s more resilient and heals itself much easier.
Book a Skincare Consultation If KP Gets OC (Out of Control)
Although Keratosis Pilaris is considered a mild skin condition, it can still become bothersome and be a punch to your confidence. KP symptoms like unsightly bumps, dull, dry skin, and discoloration are signs that you should get a professional involved. In severe cases, it’s best to schedule an appointment with a seasoned dermatologist specializing in skin conditions such as this. They may be able to prescribe topicals with stronger ingredients that are sure to breed excellent results.
On the other hand, it’s great to start by booking an appointment with a licensed esthetician. The professionals at The Only Facial are ready to listen to your concerns and address your unique needs in a comfortable and peaceful environment.
We’ll perform a refreshing facial that cleanses the skin, removes dirt and buildup from deep down in your pores, and scrubs away dead skin cells that may be triggering your KP. Connect with our team today to discuss the best treatment for you.